Assassination of the Governor of Galicia | Multimedia Story

Assassination of the Governor of Galicia | Multimedia Story

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On April 12, 1908, Lviv welcomed the sensational, tragic and definitive era in social and political life, much more radical and reckless than the retreating epoch. The palace of the emperor’s governor of Galicia at the present street of Vynnychenka heard several shots. Earl Andrzej Potocki was murdered by a Ukrainian student, a radical socialist Myroslav Sichynskyi. The terror act was the first case of political terror in Austro-Hungary and resulted into unrest in the streets of Lviv, and into further escalation of national tensions.

The event details and the circumstances around it were described for Lviv Interactive by Roman Lekhniuk. Welcome to read a new multimedia story (in Ukrainian)!

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Roman Lekhniuk

A historian, a lecturer at the “Lviv Polytechnics” National University, a Candidate of History. Research focus: history of political movements and ideas in East and Central Europe in the 19th and early 20th century.