Fellowships for Scholars in Ukraine supported by the Institute for Human Sciences

Fellowships for Scholars in Ukraine supported by the Institute for Human Sciences

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Deadline: May 26, 2024

The Center for Urban History announces the program of fellowships for scholars in Ukraine supported by the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) in response to the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian War against Ukraine.

We invite researchers who work with topics related to studying cities and urbanity across various disciplines of humanities and social sciences. The program welcomes applications from historians, culture studies scholars, sociologists, historians of architecture, and anthropologists with research projects at different stages, from conceptualizing new projects to writing and completing them. We encourage to propose projects related to the Center's research focuses, especially focusing on the experiences of wars, occupation, and recoveries, urbanization in multi-ethnic cities, planned urbanity and expertise, urban heritage, commemorative practices in urban spaces, cultural infrastructure and practices, digital and public history, social structures and stratification, gendered experiences, urban visuality, and communicative cities. The chronological and geographical frames of the proposed research are limited to the 19th and 20th-century history of Eastern Europe. While not required, there will be a possibility to contribute to one of the Center's documenting initiatives and more generally reflect on war documentation. 


The fellowship will offer from 3 to 6 months residency at the Center for Urban History in Lviv, a stipend of 1.000 EUR per month and accommodation in guest rooms close to the Center, a small working place, administrative support, access to the library and the archive, and assistance with scholarly contacts. 

Fellows will be invited to present and discuss the preliminary results of research within the Urban Seminar and public lectures and contribute to other activities at the Center for Urban History. 

TO APPLY, please submit: 

  • A Short Project Description (1000-2000 words) with the information of preferred duration of the fellowship (from 3 to 6 months)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of Recommendation (for non-holders of PhD or relevant degree).

Please submit your application to the email [email protected]. Please indicate "IWM Fellowships Program" in the subject line of your email.

The deadline for applications is May 26, 2024.

The fellowship program will run from June 2024 through March 2025.

Applications can be submitted in Ukrainian or English. Only fully completed applications will be accepted. 

The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions.

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Cover photo: Olya Klymuk