artes Group of Artists [and other stories of Lviv Modernism]
Center for Urban History is pleased to present the outcomes of the many years of the project — an updated edition of the book by Piotr Lukaszewicz "artes Group of Artists (1929-1935) And Other Stories of Lviv Modernism" translated and edited by Andrij Bojarov.
The book introduces the stories of the transit and hybrid phenomena of the 20th century, such as the creative effort of the "artes" group. They have been underestimated as an opportunity to reflect upon cultural practices of the past and the present. The monograph describes the Lviv environment of Modernist artists of the interwar period, with a special focus on personalities and ideas that built the "аrtes" group. It was founded in Lviv, at the end of 1929, upon the return of young and radical artists from their studies in the Fernand Leger Modern Academy, and in other European centers. The association intentionally included artists with different ethnic origins — Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians. Their establishment and activities were related to world centers, mostly Paris, and the local contexts of the city. In different times, different people were connected with the artes group, such as, Otto Hahn, Henryk Streng, Jerzy Janisz, Ludwik Lille, Aleksander Krzywoblocki, Roman Selski, Margit Reich-Selska, Tadeusz Woicechowski, Pavlo Kovzhun, Andrzej Pronashko, Debora Vogel, and other artists.
The book is a fundamental publication on the history of the interwar period in the region. The specialists know it as a basic source, although it was first published 50 years ago. The monograph’s translation into Ukrainian creates new opportunities to comprehend the "аrtes" group’s history, to understand the shared history and heritage of the city, both in the context of present-day Ukraine and Poland and more broadly about the new perspectives of the 20th century art history.
Ukrainian publication of the book has an important asset – a Ukrainian introduction, afterword, and comments, as well as extended illustrations. It positions artes-members in broader art and historical contexts. The book will be interesting for researchers and artists, and also for the general public.
Where you can buy the book:
- Center for Urban History, 6 Bohomoltsia Street
- Andrei Sheptytskyi National Museum in Lviv, 20 Svobody Avenue
- Municipal Gallery, 11 Stefanyk Street
- Shevchenko Scientific Society Book store, 8 Shevchenka Avenue
- Book store at Fedorova, 4/1 Stavropihiyska Street
- Iconart Gallery, 26 Virmenska Street
- Notes Book Store, 16 Shevchenka Avenue
- Art Arsenal
- National Art Museum of Ukraine
The list of sales points will be growing – follow the updates.

Dr. Piotr Lukaszewicz
Art historian graduated from Wroclaw University. He presented his doctoral thesis on the “artes” Association of Artists (1973), a basis for this monograph, in the Institute of Arts of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is the author of many research works about Polish and Silesian art of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1976–1999, he was an academic editor of the “Yearbook of Silesian Art.” A special research focus is on the history of Wroclaw museums. Piotr Lukaszewicz has been for many years a chief curator in the National Museum in Wroclaw. Organizer and co-organizer of many exhibitions, such as: “‘artes’ 1929-1934” (1969); “Fryderyk Pautsch 1877-1950” (1977), “Expressionism in Polish Art” (1980), “Ludwik Lille 1897-1957” (1985), “Artur Grottger” (1987), “Adolf Dressler and Silesian Landscape Painters of the 2nd half of the 19th century” (1997), “Albert Neisser. Collector and Art Patron” (2005), “Max Wislicenus. Painter of Wroclaw Secession” (2015).

Andrij Bojarov
Visual artist, independent curator, researcher of Lviv and Ukrainian modernism and Avant-Garde. An architect by background. In the art domain, his photography is usually described as conceptual photography and media art. Participant in individual and group exhibitions in Tallinn, Lviv, Warsaw, Lodz, Kyiv, Amsterdam, Berlin, and other centers. Organizer, curator, and co-curator of exhibitions “Montages. Debora Vogel and a New Legend of the City” (Art Museum, Lodz, 2017-2018) that was awarded the highest museum award “‘Sybilla’; Knowns – Unknowns” (Zamenhof Center, Bialystok, 2017) – about contemporary Lviv photography and media art; “Experiment! Masters of Lviv Photography of the early 20th century and their followers in Ukraine and Poland in the 20-21 centuries” (Lodz, 2018); program “Culture (Without/Of) Gaps – Two Days of Avant-Garde in Lviv” (in partnership with the Center for Urban History, 2018); individual exhibitions of Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Tadeusz Rolke, Wojciech Prazmowski, a.o.
Project team
Book author Piotr Lukaszewicz
Translation from Polish Andrij Bojarov
Academic editing Andrij Bojarov
Design and layout Iryna Tsimerman
Literary editing Oksana Zhmurko, Olena Podorozhnia
Proofreading Olena Podorozhnia
Project manager Andrij Bojarov
Project coordinators Sofia Dyak, Iryna Matsevko, Vitoria Panas
The project was supported by Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, and the "Focus on Culture — 2020" program of Lviv City Council.