General Regional Exhibition in Lviv 1894

General Regional Exhibition in Lviv 1894

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25.6.2022, 12:00

Welcome to join the city walk on "General Regional Exhibition in Lviv" with the researcher Roksolyana Holovata.

The 1894 Regional Exhibition was by far the most notable event in the life of Lviv in the end of the XIX century. It was arranged near the Stryiskyi park and combined the idea of "civilizational progress" aimed at representing the region and the city, offer entertainment and new knowledge. In four months, the exhibition attracted over a million of visitors to the city with a slightly 100,000 of population. Industrial and art pavilions, Galician village, and the cable way over the park, technical forums, football games and concerts, first electric fountain and electric tram – all of these aspects triggered different impressions and emotions of visitors: from admiration to irony.

We will try to reproduce the itinerary that the then visitors took around the exhibition, and we will discuss their impressions from what they saw. In addition, we will try to imagine how the space looked like over a century ago and see what has remained today.

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Roksolyana Holovata

Researcher and history editor of the Lviv Interactive project; PhD student at the History Department in the Ukrainian Catholic University and in the Institute of Art History at Wrocław University.

Duration of the city walk – 2 hours.

To join, please, register here, or call the numbers +380504327202 or +380322751734. Upon registration, you will be notified about the meeting point.


Cover Image: Electric fountain by the Czech firm of F. Krzyzyk at the General Regional Exhibition in Lviv // Biblioteka Narodowa

Gallery: Olha Zarechnyuk