Oleksandr Kryvobok

Oleksandr Kryvobok

Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University

  • Research topic:
    Urban Space in Eastern Europe during the First World War from the Perspective of Diaries.
    January – March 2025
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He studied history at the Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State Pedagogical University. In 2009, he defended his PhD thesis on the political parties north of Left-Bank Ukraine in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries at the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University (Kyiv). Since then, he has been working at Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University, where he has been an associate professor since 2012.

Supported with grants from the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, he prepared the archaeography publications "Diary of Professor Mykhailo Berezhkov. The Institute Period (1882-1904)" (2020); "Diary of Professor Mykhailo Berezhkov. Part 2. The first shocks and lulls (1905-1913)" (2022). His main research areas are the history of settlements, the social and cultural life of northern Left-Bank Ukraine, the history of students, intellectuals, and higher education in Ukraine in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the medieval period.

Since 2022, he has been working in the field of oral history and documentation of modern warfare. He led the work on the project "Rural Communities of Chernihiv Region in the Conditions of War and Occupation. The Experience of Survival and Struggle" in 2023-2024 with the support of the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna) as part of the "Documenting Ukraine" program.

During his residence at the Center, Oleksandr Kryvobok plans to focus on collecting and comparing the diary records of World War I contemporaries' observations of urban life during the war years. He also aims to make their testimonies actual for our generation and to provide an opportunity to compare them with the experience of the current war in Ukraine.