Magdalena Semczyszyn

Magdalena Semczyszyn

Research, Documentation, and Library Collections of the Division of Education at the Institute of National Remembrance in Szczecin

  • Research topic:
    Elections for the municipal curia in Lviv in 1861-1914 as a pretext for the emergence of the city’s socio-political potential
    December 2011
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Magdalena Semczyszyn (born 1982) is a historian, and graduate of the Department of History and International Relations at the University of Szczecin. Since 2006, she has worked at theBranch Office for Public Education, Institute of National Remembrance in Szczecin where she researched mainly the local works of national minorities. She’s also interested in Polish-Ukrainian relations in the XIX-XX centuries. Magdalena Semczyszyn is currently working on a doctoral dissertation, entitled The Activities of the Central Voting Committee in the Light of Nationality-Related, Social and Political Problems in Eastern Galicia during the Years 1867–1906. She has written scholarly articles on this topic and has co-edited and translated for the book Wielki terror na Ukrainie. Operacja polska 1937-1938, t. 1-2, Warszawa 2010. (Great Terror in Ukraine. The Polish Operation of 1937-1938).