Ilya Chedoluma

Ilya Chedoluma

Institute of Historical Research, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv / Ukrainian Catholic University

  • Research topic:
    Images of Anti-Jewish Violence in the Ukrainian Interwar Texts and Memories of the Revolution 1917–1923
    July – September 2024
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PhD in history, junior researcher at the Institute of Historical Research of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and a research fellow at the Ukrainian Catholic University.

He researches various areas of intellectual history and the genesis of ideological traditions on the Ukrainian territory in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, particularly in Ukrainian-Jewish relations. Ilya began his higher education at Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and completed his Master's in Jewish Studies at UCU in 2017. He defended his Doctor of Philosophy in History dissertation on the topic: "Intellectual Biography of Mykhailo Rudnytsky (1889-1975)" in 2022. Based on his dissertation, he published the monograph "Dilemmas of the Ukrainian Mephistopheles: An Intellectual Biography of Mykhailo Rudnytsky (1889-1975)" in 2024, which became one of the first studies of the phenomenon of Ukrainian liberalism through the prism of biographical studies.

During his residency at the Center for Urban History, supported by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) Ilya Chedoluma will work on a project exploring the functioning of memory in various Ukrainian intellectual interwar environments about anti-Jewish violence during the revolutions and civil wars. To investigate how this memory functioned in the urban environment of interwar Lviv, the historian will work with scholarly literature and sources from the Center's library, other academic libraries, and archival collections in Lviv.