City Name Game: Debora Vogel
May - August 2014
Conference room, Center for Urban History
Andriy Bojarov’s exhibition presented 12 photographs that reflect elements of urban space and the atmosphere of the cities, experiences and internal states, memories, and perceptions. The project was dedicated to Debora Vogel and is the author’s reflection on the writer’s works.
Andriy Boyarov, the author of the exhibition, outlined the idea of the photo project as follows: "Formally, the multi-year series "The Game of Cities" corresponds to the main aesthetic principles proclaimed more than once by Deborah - first, about the constant renewal of forms in art (for me, the "realism" of photography is the result of a wide sharpened in the circle experiment), as well as closeness to her "lyrics of cold statics".
Implemented with the support of the "Pereoblik" art program with the assistance of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv.