Rethinking Solitude Academic-socio-artistic program within the exhibition "Solitude – Presence" 5.11.2010 - 17.12.2010
Abstraction in Media-Art Lecture by Bohdan Shumylovych within the lecture series "Opening the World of Art" 27.10.2010
The Mystery of Color A Lecture by Prof. Zenoviya Tkanko About the Symbolism of Color Within the Framework of the British Council Exhibition "Seeing in Color" 22.10.2010
Сolour Coding A View on Personal Experience of Colour in Life and Art with Reference to the British Council Touring Exhibition "Seeing in Colour" 17.10.2010
Seeing in Colour Exhibition of graphics from the collection of the British Council 17.10.2010 - 24.10.2010
Destination: Alexandria, Buenos Aires, Constantinople: The ‘White-Slavers’ of Bukowina and Galicia in Late Imperial Austria Nancy Wingfield on the White-Slavers’ of Bukowina and Galicia in Late Imperial Austria 11.10.2010
Threats Facing the Architectural Heritage in Moscow Edmund Harris, Journalist and Specialist in Russian Culture 5.10.2010
"Last Journey Home" Showing of Film About the Forced Deportation of Ukrainians Within the "Aktsia Visla" 2.10.2010
Polish films from the 1950’s-1970’s A Stroll through the Old Town: A Journey through 1950’s-1970’s Poland through Short Films 1.10.2010