Antonina Sofronova and the Problem of the Symbolic Platform of the Group of '13'

Antonina Sofronova and the Problem of the Symbolic Platform of the Group of '13'

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Nadiya Plunhyan

State Institute of Art History, Moscow

March 17, 2016

Center for Urban History, Lviv

The lecture was devoted to the artist Antonina Sofronov, a member of the Moscow group of graphic artists "13" (1929-1932). At the turn of 1920s "13" announced a new program for documentary art, which included the hidden debate on the principles of "Peace of Art". The researcher talked about Sofiya's unusual and independent position in this conflict regarding "literary" and "documentary" tendencies in Soviet art, about the place of women in art associations in the 1920-1930s, and about the general problem of relations with symbolism and Soviet pre-war modernism.

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Nadiya Plunhyan

candidate of Art History, artist, senior fellow at the State Institute of Art History in the Department of Fine Art and Architecture (Moscow). In 2012-13, together with V. Lomasko curated the exhibition “Feminist Pencil 2” (a parallel project of the 5 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art). In 2013 she edited a collection of articles: Russian Everyday Life in the Mirror of Gender Relations.


Сover Image: Antonina Sofronova. Illustration for La Révolte des anges by Anatole France. 1937 Watercolor, Indian ink, pen and brush on paper; 8.6x13.9