The Summons of Contemporary Art
September 11, 2013
Center for Urban History, Lviv
Center has held a discussion with noted art critics and art historians from Poland – Anda Rottenberg (Warsaw), Maria Anna Potocky (Cracow), and Dorota Monkiewicz (Wrocław).
At a time when global trends arising in so-called ‘cultural centers’ dominate the world of culture, how does cultural withstand marginalization and maintain its identity? How does contemporary art collection influence society, and society correspondingly influence contemporary art? What should an art curator at the dawn of this new millennium look like? We explored these and other themes during the discussion.
The discussion hold as part of the 20th Lviv Publishers’ Forum and the 8th Lviv International Literature Festival, in the "Poland: the Forum’s Honored Guest" program. The discussion hold in Polish, English, and Ukrainian.
Moderator for the event will be Bohdan Shumylovych.