The Residential Building at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Text and Context (on the basis of Polish inscriptions of Modern Lviv)

The Residential Building at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Text and Context (on the basis of Polish inscriptions of Modern Lviv)

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Kseniya Borodin, Ivanna Honak


Center for Urban History, Lviv

The lecture looked at the peculiarities of urban space, and the residential house as one of its main objects, as far as the textual aspect is concerned. The proposed lecture based on Polish inscriptions of modern-day Lviv, many of which still exist in the city, and usually remain in their functional places, rather than in museums. Almost all of these inscriptions are open to the public vies, yet their placement is close to personal space – rooms that cannot be accessed without permission. The presentation was based on an analysis of names of villas; internal announcements, building inscriptions, signatures by architects and sculptors, stamps of brickmakers, surfaces, water pipe systems, electric networks, metallic structures, etc. The text of a turn-of-the-century Lviv residential house is a cultural and historical backdrop of its era, a fascinating and multifaceted source for the study of the city historical, cultural, linguistic, economic, socio-political, and ethnographic peculiarities.

Kseniya Borodin

Ph. D., philologist, anthropologist, acting lecturer at the Subcarpathian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Institute, MAUP. Her academic interests include Slavic studies, contextualization of urban space, folklore studies.

Ivanna Honak

has an MA in Tourism Management. She teaches at the Subcarpathian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Institute, and leads tours of Lviv. Her academic intersts include anthropology, international tourism, particularly Polish-Ukrainian tourism, and Lviv as a touristic center of national and international significance.


Cover Image: House at  Pomorska St. 56 (now - Myshuhy St. 56) during the construction works (from the State Archive of Lviv Oblast), 2/2/2355