Surveying the Historical Landscape of Galicia: Cadastral Maps, Landowner, School Voter Records
April 25, 2013
Center for Urban History, Lviv
Galician land records, property maps, school and voting records are valuable - but often overlooked - genealogical, sociological and historical resources. Cadastral maps show exact locations of synagogues, cemeteries, schools, and market squares and often have the names of the landowners written onto plots of land. One can chart a family over several generations and land records can provide the valuation of properties and inheritance patterns. Voting records document the residents of a single dwelling, showing their age, birthplace and occupation. School records offer unique insights into families and often these unique records may be the only evidence of a family living in a particular town or village. This talk was highlight the history and relevance of these "alternative" community records for scholarly (or family history) research and also demonstrated the searching capabilities of the new Gesher Galicia website and the All Galicia Database, which provide an Internet portal to this information.