Tea with Rebbetzin

Tea with Rebbetzin

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25.10.2015, 16:00

Borys Voznytskiy Lviv National Art Gallery (vul. Stefanyka, 3)

How were marriage proposals traditionally made among Jews and what changes has modernity made to the notion of a modern Jewish family? What role do the parents of the bride and groom play in the creation of a new family unit and what roles are played by the pair? What are Jewish wedding traditions and what meanings do the rites and rituals have? Why do the husband and wife sign a ketubah - the Jewish marriage contract? What are the roles given to men and women in traditional Jewish families and what are the functions of those roles?

We will get answers to these and other questions during our informal meeting with Rebbetzin Sarah Bald.

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Sarah Bald

President of the Jewish School of Lviv “Brothers of Israel,” Rebbetzin (wife of the Chief Rabbi in Lviv Mordechai

Event is a part of the "Ketubah. Jewish family traditions and traditional families" lecture series.