Assembly Hall of Lviv Children School of Arts No 5 (vul. Khutorivka, 28)
"Even though the building is multi apartment and hideous
it is my fortress where I can ease my nerves.
This is the place where I don’t need to lie snug
Put on the masks, or fanfaronade."
This is how in 2006 VovaZIL’vova was describing his neighbourhood, the Sykhiv. What is attractive about the aesthetics of modernist districts for artists? How do they interpret it? What do they focus on? What is left out in the shadow? Who do they see as their audience? How do art practices change the space and the meaning of residential districts? These questions, among others, will be raised for the discussion.
"Sykhiv By Night" is an open public program for broad audiences. It is related to other two projects of the Center for Urban History: the summer school "Sykhiv: Spaces, Memories, Practices" and a research project "Planned and Experienced: Planned Districts in Late Socialism and Beyond."