Film screening "Steamboat Bill, Jr."
6.10.2009, 19:00
Center for Urban History, Lviv
In the framework of "KinoMisto" project, show of movies by the American comic actor, film director, script writer and stunt man Buster Keaton took place at the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe.
The program included:
"Steamboat Bill, Jr." (1928) – 1 hour 6 min.
The miniature "Silent Chaplin" dedicated to 120-year old anniversary of the legendary Charlie Chaplin performed by "Tymoshenko Mime Theatre"
Starring: Kornii Demydiuk (mime theater "IablukA"), Natalka Guts and Natalka Kozel (mime duet "Next Step"), Sergii Kostyshyn and "Tarasova Nich" music band.
Сover Image: Still from "Steamboat Bill, Jr." (1928)