Participation in Recovery: Experiences of Other Countries

Participation in Recovery: Experiences of Other Countries

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6.12.2022, 18:30

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What were the practices of participation and engagement in the recovery process in Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the United States of America? How and whether the understanding of the foreign experience of engagement can be useful for the recovery of Ukrainian communities? We invite you to the last discussion within the program "Recovery of Ukraine: Who May Have the Right to Participate?".

During the public meetings and discussions within the series, together with the actors of various initiatives at the state, city, civic, and local levels they focused on the key challenges and opportunities that communities in Ukraine are already facing and will face on the path of post-war recovery, reconstruction, and integration. They also discussed the principles and values that should be the basis of participation and engagement practices.

Overcoming the challenges of Ukraine's post-war recovery, which largely began during the active phase of Russian aggression, should be based on the local context. At the same time, in our thoughts and projections, we have the opportunity to analyze and take into account the mistakes and experiences of other countries and cities that once suffered from wars, social conflicts, or natural disasters. To conclude the series, we offer a meeting discussion of the foreign experience of reconstruction.

The discussion will include the following participants:

Mauricio Sosa Noreña, designer and public communications specialist (Colombia and Germany)

Anastasiia Bobrova, analyst and manager at Cedos, editor of Mistosite (Ukraine)

The seminar will be conducted in English. Simultaneous interpretation into Ukrainian will be provided at the event.

The event will be delivered on the online platform Zoom. To join the discussion, please, register.

The series of public events, "Recovery of Ukraine: Who May Have the Right to Participate?" is an initiative to create a platform for exchanging experiences and opinions on the challenges, approaches, and practices of community involvement in the processes related to community recovery.

The project is carried out in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Kyiv Office – Ukraine.

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Cover Image: Destruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, photo by Jerry Grayson // HELIFILMS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD/GETTY IMAGES, 2005