Towers, Parks, Information Centers: Opportunities and Challenges of Heritage

Towers, Parks, Information Centers: Opportunities and Challenges of Heritage

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14.3.2025, 16:00

Конференц-зал Центру міської історії

We invite you to the conversation "Towers, Parks, Information Centers: Opportunities and Challenges of Heritage", which publicly launches the REHERIT 2.0 project of the Center for Urban History and the Centre Regional Development of the PPV Economic Development Agency with the support of the European Union.

Modernization and effective management of heritage for the sustainable development of civil society and communities is one of the challenges for modern Ukraine. The challenge is even greater if we are to think about heritage as a common, complex, and often conflictual one. The REHERIT 2.0 project was initiated to implement a combined approach to working with multicultural heritage, which involves the development of effective management tools combined with meaningful and balanced interpretation. The actualization of uncomfortable issues and systematic work with such heritage makes it possible to understand and work through social tensions and prejudices. It promotes the inclusion of different stories in public spaces, as well as the search for a sensitive language for understanding the past of Ukraine, which has historically been and remains culturally diverse.

How does the present, in its approach to the past, allow us to rethink our experiences from a historical perspective? How can cultural heritage be actualized, and how can it become a tool for finding common ground and management decisions within the community? What is the potential of heritage for local economic development? How to build networks between heritage managers, businesses, and users in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way? How does effective heritage management help to build partnerships and attract resources?

During the event, we will be looking for answers to these and other questions together with Tetiana Shulha (Coordinator of the Culture, National Minorities and Gender Equality Sector at the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine), Sofia Dyak (Center for Urban History), Volodymyr Vorobey (PPV Economic Development Agency), Pavlo Bohaychyk (Museum "Lychakiv cemetery"), Oleh Pohorilets (Mezhybizh State Historical and Cultural Reserve), and Tetiana Samsoniuk (Center of Digital History).

Moderators of the meeting: Viktoria Panas, Maria Kravchenko.

The project REHERIT 2.0: Shared Responsibility for Common Heritage, which is being jointly developed by the teams of the Center for Urban History and the Center for Regional Development of the PPV Economic Development Agency, aims to actualize the vision of local multicultural heritage as a common heritage that revitalizes cultural development, stimulates critical thinking, and encourages local socio-economic development. The project is funded by the European Union.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the partners of the REHERIT 2.0 project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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