From Individuality to Correlation
Dr. Miroslav Micov
11.12. 2010, 15:00
Center for Urban History, Lviv
Within the framework of the "Solitude-Presence" program, a lecture by Dr. Miroslav Micov about theoretical physics took place.
One of the representations of solitude in physics is the movement of individual parts. With the increase of interaction between the parts, their independence lessens and their correlation rises. Such correlations with time can consequently change the process of relaxation. Multi-part subsystems can emerge within the systems, which are tightly connected with the correlation. Such subsystems will interact between themselves with new effective force, which lead to new types of correlation between these subsystems, and which can stipulate new types of hierarchy in correlated systems. Certain conditions in such subsystems cause autopoietic processes, similar to processes of self-preservation and self-organization.