Film, the Living Record of Our Memory

Film, the Living Record of Our Memory

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18.8.2022, 18:30

Courtyard of the Center for Urban History, Lviv, 6 Bohomoltsia Str.

Welcome to join the Screening of the documentary "Film, the Living Record of Our Memory" (2021).

With the start of the full-scale war with Russia, we have turned highly sensitive to external threats. It includes the physical existence of every person, and the prevalence of our memory that is stored in the archives, museums, and libraries. Unfortunately, over the past five months, we have lost too much. However, even in peaceful settings, the job of archivists is about the constant struggle for the preservation of heritage. It is a key focus of the film by INÉS TOHARIA, "Film, the Living Record of Our Memory" which came out in 2021.

The screening will be followed by a discussion on the preservation of film heritage in Ukraine and war challenges.

Language of the film – English.

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Film, the Living Record of Our Memory


Why are we still able to watch moving images captured over 125 years ago?

As we move ever further into the digital age, our audiovisual heritage seems to be taken increasingly for granted. However, much of our filmed history and cinema has already been lost forever.

Film archivists, curators, technicians and filmmakers from around the world explain what film preservation is and why it is needed. Our protagonists are custodians of film whose work behind the scenes safeguards the survival of motion pictures. It is a task they undertake based on their closely held belief in the artistic and cultural value of the moving image, in tune with a shared mantra that a film might one day transform someone’s life. This documentary is an homage to them all and sheds some light on their critical undertaking.

We hereby express our gratitude to the authors and producers of the film for their support and the possibility to view the film.


Cover Image: a shot from the film “Film, the Living Record of Our Memory” (2021).

Gallery: Bohdan Yemets