Lublin Housing Cooperative: A Community-Oriented Initiative

Lublin Housing Cooperative: A Community-Oriented Initiative

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Izabela Pastuszko

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

15.8.2017, 19:00

Assembly hall of the Lviv City Center for Rehabilitation "Dzerelo" (Chervona Kalyna square 86a)

The estate of the Lublin Housing Cooperative (LHC) is one of the largest post-WWII housing projects in Eastern Poland. Also known as the Sunny Hill, it is a 242-hectare conglomerate of seven housing estates designed by five architects. Among the five, Oskar Hansen undoubtedly deserves the most attention – born in Helsinki, he studied with Fernand Léger and apprenticed under Pierre Jeanneret. He was the author of the theory of Open Form, within which the artist does not create a closed work of art but opens up opportunities for contexts and interpretations. The entire LHC district is a unique example of the consistent and creative adaptation of the 1950s urban planning to the conditions of Eastern Poland’s largest city, which resulted in a modern district privileging pedestrian traffic. The social reception of the quality of living and leisure space is still very high, rarely seen in the 20th century in Poland.

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Izabela Pastuszko

holds degrees in Law and Art History from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and the University of Warsaw. Since 2014, she’s been a Ph.D. student in the Department of History at MCSU. Her doctoral dissertation is tentatively titled Late Modernism in Lublin. Urban Planning, Architecture, People. She is the author of The Architecture of the University Campus in Lublin (MCSU Press, 2013). Since 2016, she has been running the Lubelska Agora Modernizmu Foundation and organizes the Lublin Days of Modernism.

"Sykhiv By Night" is an open public program for broad audiences. It is related to other two projects of the Center for Urban History: the summer school "Sykhiv: Spaces, Memories, Practices" and a research project "Planned and Experienced: Planned Districts in Late Socialism and Beyond."


Image Gallery by Andriy Polikovskyy