"Half-Asia" or a "Bulwark of the Western Culture": Ideological Geography of Galicia between East and West

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Jagoda Wierzejska

University of Warsaw


Kharkiv,  "Studio 42", Constitution sq., 1, second floor

Since the beginning of its existence Galicia has been presentenced either as "half-Asia" or as an "outpost of the West." According to the former vision, the province was seen as a land of steppes, crags, and mad masters’ castles; according to the latter, it was identified as a "bulwark" of the Western culture while with the qualities of the "East" was attributed Russia. The lecture discussed locating Galicia within the tension between "East" and "West," the categories meaning "backwardness" and "development," and presents ideological shifts of the region from Habsburg civilizing mission to concepts of Galician legacy as an entry-card to Europe.

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Jagoda Wierzejska

is a literary historian, an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw. Her interests focus on conceptualizations of the idea of Galicia in the Polish cotemporary discourse.

Lecture was held as a part of the lecture and discussion program of the cultural forum "PogranKult: GaliciaKult" and supported by the International Renaissance Foundation. The event was also supported by the Polish Institute in Kyiv.

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