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Research residences

University of St Andrews

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Artist and researcher

I. P. Kotliarevsky Kharkiv National University of Arts

University of St. Andrews
In cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna)

Izmail State University of the Humanities

Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University

Institute of Historical Research, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv / Ukrainian Catholic University

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

The National Science Center "Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Supported by the Universities UK International


National University of Ostroh Academy
Supported by the Foundation for Jewish Studies in Wroclaw

Ukrainian Catholic University
In cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna)

National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra"

N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic"
Supported by Körber-Stiftung

V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Kherson State University
Supported by the Foundation for Jewish Studies in Wroclaw

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
In cooperation with the University of Lund

Center for Urban Studies


Mariupol State University
Supported by Körber-Stiftung

National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
In cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (Vienna)

independent researcher, historian

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

cultural studies critic, journalist, editor, culture analyst

critic, editor, journalist
Supported by Free University of Berlin

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of the History of Ukraine

National Technical University "KhPI" of Kharkiv
Digital Urban History Residence Grant

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

European University Institute
Research residences

University of Warsaw

IE University, Madrid, Spain

The Modern Art Research Institute

Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism

University of Warsaw

Michael Corsi

University of East Anglia

University of Tokyo, University of Wroclaw

National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Un/Archiving Post/Industry Project Residents


curator, researcher

art group, Kyiv
Residence supported by Ukrainian Cultural Foundation

documentary film director
Research residences

Pedagogical University in Cracow named after the Commission of National Education

National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
Трансформація образу міста у подорожній літературі: Київ від кінця XVIII до початку ХХ ст.

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences
Vernacular stories of Belz: a millenium, a century, a decade

Odesa Mechnikov National University
Центр вивчення Міського Міфу (Одеса)

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw
Inscenizowana inność. Pokazy odmienności we Lwowie, 1850–1939

University of Regensburg
Cosmopolitan spaces in an urban context: A comparison between Lviv, Kyiv, Odes(s)a 1880-1925

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro
Місто, містяни та військові армії УНР: сприйняття селянської революції в Україні й досвід взаємодії (1917–1920 рр.)

ICOMOS (International Committee on Monuments and Sites), European Humanities University
From Global to Local. Transformation of Heritage Concepts in Eastern Europe and Belarus

Uzhhorod National University
Antisemitism and Jewish Responses in the Aftermath of the Holocaust in Transcarpathia, 1944-1946

Vilnius University
National Modernity in the Newly Established East Central European Nation States (1918-1939). A Comparative Analysis

University of Geneva
Soviet Ukrainian-Polish academic collaboration among historians: academic connections, transnational exchanges and scholar networks (1960s-1990s).

Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv
Urban Environment of the Borderlands: Impact of the "Zbruch Border" on Urban Life in 1900/1930s

University of Heidelberg
Managing Diversity in a Multiethnic Space: Urban Politics in the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic, 1918—1919

University of Michigan
Atlas of an Invisible Empire

Center for Digital Cultures at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Internet development in post-socialist (1990-2018) Lithuania
Digital Urban History Residence Grant

Jagiellonian University
Lwowskie "Sygnały": topografia literacka miasta (1933-1939)

artist, architect, politologist, Poland
Hideouts: the architectural analysis of the secret infrastructure of Jewish survival during the Second World War

Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk
Життя за ґратами: повсякдення кримінальних та політичних в’язнів східної Галичини між двома світовими війнами (1918–1939 рр.)

New Mexico State University in Las Cruces
У синагозі росте ліс: переосмислення ландшафту галицьких євреїв через скульптуру

Стетсонський університет
Театр на передовій соціалізму: Військово-розважальний комплекс в Україні, 1940-2000
U.S. Fulbright

New Mexico State University in Las Cruces
A Forest Grows in the Synagogue: Reimagining the Galician Jewish Landscape through Sculpture

University of Toronto
Building the City of Lions: The Architect Ivan Levynskyi and the Search for Identity in Fin-de-Siecle Lviv
SWAP: UK/Ukraine residency programme

Royal College of Art, London
A darker, better place
Digital Urban History Residence Grant

Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University
Fashion in the Ukrainian SSR 1956-1991

University of Rzeszow
Poles in Lviv, 1944-1959

 T. Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Lwów as Identity-Building Space, XIX – early XX cent.

Jagiellonian University
The Ukrainian Civil Committee in Lviv and Its Assistance to the Ukrainian POWs and Interned Persons in the Polish Camps (1918-1921)
Research residences

 Jagiellonian University
Commemoration of the Revolution of Dignity and Conflict in the East of Ukraine in the Public Space: Narratives and Practices

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Santa Barbara Forever - essay film on connection between Santa Barbara, Lviv, Santa Barbara, California, and "Santa Barbara", soap opera

Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Prospects and Limits of Ukrainian Public Education in Late Habsburg Lviv

Research Center of Easter European Studies/University of Bremen
In search of a usable village. Ukrainian Ethnographers and the invention of new Soviet rituals in the late Soviet Union

 School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University
"Socialist Social Contract" in China and the Soviet Union

University of Chicago
Jews and their Neighbours in Krakowiec, 1772-1946

University of East Anglia (UEA), Norwich, United Kingdom
Constructing Identity – Kaliningrad and the Appropriation of Place

University of California, Santa Cruz
The Culture of Complaint: Morality and Intimacy in the USSR After 1953

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Infrastructures of Europeanization: Urban Imaginaries, Mobile Policies and the Reshaping of Urban Connectivity
U.S. Fulbright

University of Virginia
Impact of Lviv's public memorials, museums, and statues on Ukrainian historical memory and perceptions of national identity

Rohatyn Jewish Heritage
Jewish Cemetery Preservation Demonstration Project for Western Ukraine

Stetson University
Theater on the Frontlines of Socialism: The Military-Entertainment Complex in Ukraine, 1940s-2000s
SWAP: UK/Ukraine residency programme

Royal College of Art, London
The Incessant Metronome
Research residences

European Institute in Florence
When Empire Meets Architecture. The Concept of the "Polish Civilizing Mission’ and Lviv’s architecture and Urban Space (1867-1939)

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Shaping of Urban Lifestyles in the Second Half of the 19th - Early 20th Century (as Illustrated by the City of Kharkiv)

Institute of History of the NAS of Ukraine
Shaping of Public Space of a Modern City in Ukraine (Second Half of the 19th Century – early 20th Century)

University of Łódź
"Urban Question" in East Central Europe in the Early 20th Century

Romanian Academy
Entangled Neighborhoods of Youth. Approaches to Housing for Young Urban Workers in Late Socialist Romania (1970-1990)

Stanford University
Everyday Life in Habsburg Occupied Belgrade during the First World War

National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use, Rivne
Policy of II Polish Republic in the Field of Developing Architectural Environment of Small Towns in Volyn (Interwar Period)

Amsterdam University
Aesthetic Valuation and Aesthetic. Transformations of Architecture in Cities with a Repossessed Past in Poland and Lithuania

Wisconsin-Milwaukee University
Domestic Space in the Times of Change: The Collapse of the USSR, 1985-2000s
Digital Urban History Residence Grant

film director, scriptwriter, and media artist
Michal Waszynski in Lviv

scriptwriter, author of historical texts for BBC
Michal Waszynski in Lviv

Rijeka University
Postsocialist Landscape: Informal Construction in Lviv Region, Ukraine

 Virginia University
The Janowska Camp

Charles University in Prague
Educational Materials as a Part of Lviv Interactive Project

Princeton University
Reshaping Nations: Population Politics and Sovietization in the Polish-Ukrainian Borderlands, 1944-1948
Guest Researchers

Central European University, Budapest
Community Engagement in Adaptive Heritage Reuse: Soviet Modernist Architecture in Kazakhstan
Guest Researchers

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Religious heritage and cultural politics of Lviv
Research residences

Institute of History of Ukraine, Kyiv
Entrepreneurs on Social Frontier Towns of the Late Nineteenth - Early Twentieth Centuries: Comparative Aspects on the Example of Kyiv and Lviv

Institute of History of the University of Wroclaw
School Architecture in the Urban Space of Lviv in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Tallinn University
Conflict and Conviviality in Ukrainian Marriages between "East" and "West"

Institute of Modernism, Moscow
The Memorialization of the Tragedy at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, Russia and Other countries

Institute of Philosophy and Law at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg
Avant-garde Architecture in the Urban Space of Lviv of 1920-1930: Social Meanings and Everyday Practices

The Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw
The Deconstruction of the Concept of Transnational Convergence. The Concept of Halychyna in the Polish Discourse about the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-1919, Particularly Regarding the Battle for Lviv

Martin-Luther University Halle, Wittenberg
The Origin of Jewish Museums before the Second World War. Polish and Czechoslovakian Specifics and Historical Conditions of a European Phenomenon.

Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
Symbolic Development of Soviet Space: Soviet Urban Symbols (1964-1985) and their Creators

The Faculty of Central European Studies at Andrássy University Budapest
Features of Commemoration after WWI in Bukovyna

Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Cracow
The Jewish Public Libraries Movement in Galicia in the Interwar Period
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Euromaidan as the Trace of "Equaliberty" Recapitulation of Modern European Values
Guest Researchers

PhD, Belarus
Vitebsk around 1900: the Beginnings of Urban Modernization

PhD, Romania
Restructuring and Envisioning Socialist Bucharest

Tourism and the Production of Urban Space: Samara, Vilnius and Lviv in Comparison
Post-Graduate Fellowships

MA, Ukraine
Nation, Ethnicity and City: Soviet Policy of Modernization in Kharkiv in the 1920s–1930s

MA, Ukraine
Everyday Life in Lviv, 1914–1919

MA, Ukraine–Poland
Everyday Life in Lviv, 1939–1944

MA, Ukraine
Migration of Villagers to Lviv from the 1950s to 1980s

MA, Russia–Poland
The Social Perception of Warsaw in post-World War II Architecture
Residence Grant Recipients

Musical life in Kraków and Lviv 1900 – 1918. A comparison

Territorial Readjustment and Border Changes in the Carpathians after World War II. The Cases of Košice and Užhorod

The Urban Civilian Experience of the Great War in Galicia

The 1941 NKVD Killings and Pogroms in West Ukrainian Cities
Guest Researchers

Karazin National University, Kharkiv
World War Two Memories in Monumental Representations (the cases of Mariupol and Uzhhorod)

Lviv Ivan Franko University
Migration of Rural Population to Lviv in the 1950s to 1980s

Princeton University
The World of the Theater in Soviet-occupied Lviv, 1939-1941

Graduate School for Social Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Present and Absent Memory. Local Historical Consciousness in Galicia and the Regained Territories

Kharkiv University
Proto-Industrialization and Socio-Cultural Changes in the Cities of Slobidska Ukraine, 1760-1830

Kharkiv University
Kharkiv Identity: Visions of the City and its History as Identity-Building Factors

Warsaw University, Poland
The Shtetl Space in the 19th Century. A Sociological Approach

Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Lviv
The Reception of the Galician Greek-Catholic Rural Population by Urban Elites
Residence Grant Recipients

Volgograd State Pedagogical University
The main Polish Parties in Lviv and the Lviv Region during the Sanacija Period in Poland (1926-1939)

European University Insitute, Florence
Between Integration and Emigration. Jewish Minorities in Wroclaw and Lviv after 1945 - A Historical Comparison
Guest Researchers

Contemporary Ethnology Department at the Ethnographic Institute of the National Academy of Sciences branch in Lviv
Ethnic Identity of "Fourth-wave" Ukrainian Worker-migrants

Karazin University in Kharkiv
Economic and Sociocultural Aspects of Trade Relations Between the Ukrainian City and Village in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century

Dnipropetrovsk National University
Village Emigrants in the Large Industrial City: The Case of Katerynoslav in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century

Institute for Ukrainian Studies in Kyiv
Sociocultural Transformation of the Sloboda-Ukrainian Provinces in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Others among ourselves and ourselves among others?: perceptions of townspeople of the Northern Pre-Azov region about peasant-resettlers, and the latter's place in the social structure of the region’s cities in the first third of the twentieth century (a project of historical-archeographic expeditions)
Residence Grant Recipients

Kyiv Mohyla Academy
Lviv’s Intellectual Space from the Late Soviet to the Post-Soviet Period

National Foundation of Jewish Culture, Towson University, Maryland, USA
Publishing project Border-Jews. Jewish Life in Late Medieval and Early Modern Lviv

Lecturer at the Machine Construction College, Donbas State Machine Construction Academy
Early Modern Urban Literature of Lviv in Nineteenth-century Historiography
Research residences

Jagiellonian University, Oxford University, Institute of Archaeology, Christ Church College
Jewish cemetery in an urban space of Lviv

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Astana’s Philosophical-Anthropological Research

Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Modern World in the Provincial Town. Transfer of Values and Cultural Patterns in the Inter-War Poland

"Society 61," project "I Have the Right to Know"
Memory about Survivor Time. Stories about the Righteous among the Nations from Lviv

NGO "Seven Stones International"
International Exploring the Experiences of African International Students in Lviv, Ukraine

Department of Descriptive Art at the M. Rylsky Institute of Art, Ethnology and Folklore at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Modern Art Research Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts
The Work of Jewish Artists in Lviv’s Periodic Publications in 1900-1939
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Institute of Political and Ethnonational Research named after I.F. Kuras at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences
Nationalist-Communism: Attempts to Compare Ukrainian and European Experiences
Research residences

Research, Documentation, and Library Collections of the Division of Education at the Institute of National Remembrance in Szczecin
Elections for the municipal curia in Lviv in 1861-1914 as a pretext for the emergence of the city’s socio-political potential

Oxford University, Wolfson College
Bi- and Multilingualism in Lviv’s legal proceedings around 1900

Writer and independent researcher
Raging Angels: Ukrainians, Jews and Poles in the summer of 1941

Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
How Lviv is depicted in XX and early XXI Century Literature: Changes, Debates, and Myths

Touro College, Graduate School of Jewish Studies; New York University
Christian bodies for Christians! Anti-Semitism and "dead bodies" in Lviv, Warsaw, Vilnius, and Krakow between the two World Wars
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

National Technical University of Ukraine
Ethnic Conflict, Urban Development and the Rise of Bourgeois Class in Late Imperial Kyiv
Research residences

Wroclaw University
The Urban Space of Lviv as a Territory of Ukrainian-Polish Political Competition in 1928

Russian State University for the Humanities
The Lviv Group "Doviria"

University of Warsaw
The Birth of Soviet Lviv. From the Life of the City 1944-1949

St. Anthony's College, Oxford
Lviv and the ‘Return to Europe’ after 1991"
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Political Science, Black Sea State University
Ideology of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in the European Context
Research residences

Insitute of Mass Communication and Social Sciences, Kazan Federal University
The Сultural Infrastructure of Major Sports Events in Post-Soviet Cities: the 2012 European Football Championships in Lviv

Yale University
Parish Diplomacy: The Greek Catholic Church in Its International Context, 1839-1882

Comenius University in Bratislava
The City and Memory: Towards the Identity of Central European City

The Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Science
The Center-Periphery Dynamics in the Eastern-Central European City in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century: Bucharest-Jassy; Cracow-Lviv
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

International Solomon University, Eastern Ukrainian Branch
A Comparative Study of the Social Relevance of History in Poland, Russia, and Ukraine (1989-2012)
Research residences

Institute for European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Reconstruction of Memory in Central European Cities: Comparison of Lviv and Wroclaw

Institute of History, University of Wroclaw
Lviv's Urban Infrastructure in the Nineteenth Century (1860-1918)

Department of History, University of Northern Colorado
Map Wars: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe

Institute of Audio Visual Arts, Jagellonian University, Krakow
Urban Life in Photographs of Former Galicia 1861-1939

Central European University, Budapest
Lviv as a part of Ukraine, 1848-1914

Humanities Department of the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy
Eastern European Cities at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century as an Srena of Political Radicalism

IMT Alti Studi Lucca, Italy
Lviv as UNESCO Heritage Site: Cultural Policies, Heritage Condition and Value Creation within and outside the Historic Center

Центр єврейської історії, Нью-Йорк
Cryptology and Espionage in Lemberg or the Secret History of Modern Jewish Prose

Slavic History Department at the Donetsk National University
The Commonalities and Particularities in Shaping the Mentality of the Inhabitants of Mining Cities in the Donetsk and Lviv-Volyn Basins (1950-1980s)

History Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Interwar Sambir from the Perspective of a Historian and a Witness of the Past
Fellowship Program of the Center for Urban History and the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Sources Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Elite of Sloboda Ukraine and the Russian Empire-Building: Integration and Transformation
Guest Researchers

Yale University
Preservation and modern adaptation of historic fortification structures in the Galicia region
Research residences

ETH‐Zurich, Switzerland
The Image of Modernization, Urban Development and Urban Imagery in Lviv in the 19th Century

University of St. Andrews, UK
History at the Coalface: Migrant Flows between Britain and the Donbas

Justus-Liebig-Universität, Germany
Changing Urban Ideals: Urban Planning, Heritage and Future Utopias in Zamość and Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanisławów/Stanislau/Stanislav) since 1772

Keene State College, USA
The History of the Groedel Family and the Forest Industry in Skole (mid 1880-1939)

University of London, UK
Lviv. War Museum

Wroclaw University, Poland
Visual and Audio Organization of Urban Space. Lviv and Its Pidzamche Area

Jagiellonian University, Poland
Galicia and Bukovina Refugees in the World War I and Their Situation in a New Urban Space of Moravia, Czech Republic and Austria.

University of Toronto, Canada
The Socio-Cultural Impact of the Post-World War II Mass Population Movements on Urban Space and Identity in the Polish Borderlands: A Comparative Analysis of Jelenia Góra and Drohobych

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland
Relations between Polish, Ukrainian and Jewish Students in Higher Educational Establishments of the Interwar Lviv (1918-1939)

History of Kyiv Museum, Ukraine
Engineering Intelligentsia in the 1970-1980 (As Illustrated by Vinnytsia Design Engineering Bureau CEBET)

New York University, USA
Collecting Themselves: Jewish Collection and Display in Interwar Poland
Digital Urban History Residence Grant

Kent State University, USA
Poetic Path through Literary Lviv: Literary Translation and Urban History

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
The Progressive Synagogues in the 19th Century Galicia – An Intellectual Network?

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Health Care for the Jewish Citizens of Lviv in the Interwar Period
Research residences

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany
City of Crosses: Bucharest’s Re-Consecration after 1990.

Warsaw University, Poland
The Ethnography of a Monocity. The Experience of the State and Strategies of Civil Activity in an Anthropological Perspective, as Illustrated by the Town of Kramatorsk Ukraine.

Lodz University, Poland
Lviv Trade Fair of 1847: on the History of Developing Lviv Artistic Milieu in the 19th Century

University of Göttingen, Germany
Academic Relations and Knowledge Production in Extremes: Lviv Anthropology During World War II

King's College, Cambridge, United Kingdom
A Historical Ethnography of a Post-Soviet "Closed" City: Bolshoi Kamen 1997-2015

Chernivtsi Museum of the History and Culture of Bukovinian Jewish, Ukraine
Socializing in Bukovyna: Social and Cultural Space (1848-1914)

Stanford University, USA
Power in Transition, Nations in Transition. Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, and State-Building in a Central European City, 1918 – 1939

Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
The Lviv of Combatants – Commemorating the Military Experience of the First World War in a Multinational City

University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
​Cities of Donbass in Oral and Visual Narratives of Internally Displaced Persons in Lviv