Practice of Longitudinal Research. Internal U-CORE Seminars

Practice of Longitudinal Research. Internal U-CORE Seminars

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February 2024 — present


The series is designed to share and discuss the challenges of longitudinal research. As part of the U-CORE project, we plan to conduct a second round of interviews with people whose testimonies we recorded in 2022 and 2023. We invite scholars with expertise in re-interviewing and with whom we can talk about methodological, ethical, and logistical issues related to this type of work.

13 February 2024

Longitudinal Research during the COVID Pandemic

Dr. Piotr Binder is a sociologist and researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. His current research interests focus on the social implications of the popularization of remote work, including changes in the lifestyles of remote workers and transformations in contemporary labor markets. He is experienced in designing and implementing Polish and international qualitative research projects. He lectures at the Graduate School for Social Research (Polish Academy of Sciences), teaches qualitative research methodology and digital support for qualitative data analysis, and is a MAXQDA Professional Trainer. In 2020-2022, he coordinated the implementation of a longitudinal qualitative study devoted to the social outcomes of the pandemic. He is an active member of the Polish and European Sociological Associations (RN36 Board Member).

27 February 2024

Multiple Waves of Interviewing on Forced Migration

PD Dr. Sabine von Löwis studied Economic and Social Geography at the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) and earned a doctorate at HafenCity University in Hamburg. She has held positions at various university and non-university research institutes, working on projects on spatial structures in urban and rural areas. In December 2017, she joined the research team at ZOiS, where she coordinates the research cluster Conflict Dynamics and Border Regions. Dr. Inha Kozlova is a sociologist and associate professor of the Department of Sociology of the Ukrainian Catholic University and head of the Sociological Laboratory of the same university. Her research interests include urban sociology and urban planning, the right to the city, collecting and analyzing qualitative sociological data, and internal migration processes related to Russia's war against Ukraine.

19 March 2024

Re-interviewing the Holocaust Survivors

Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen is the director of the Diane and Eli Zborowski Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and Its Aftermath and the editor-in-chief of Yad Vashem Studies. She is also a lecturer at the Rothberg School for International Students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has published various books, edited volumes, and articles relating to survivor testimony and the post-war rehabilitation of child survivors of the Holocaust. Sharon was the Director of the Oral History division at the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People. She has been involved in various interviewing projects throughout her professional life, predominantly with survivors of the Holocaust.

16 April 2024

Qualitative and Longitudinal: Data Generation and Archiving

Prof. Dr. Rachel Thomson is a sociologist and a professor of Childhood & Youth Studies (Social Work and Social Care) at the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sussex. Her research interests include studying life courses and transitions and the interdisciplinary fields of gender and sexuality studies. She is a methodological innovator, especially interested in capturing lived experience, social processes, and biographical and historical time interplay. She works on empirical studies on young people’s transitions to adulthood (Inventing Adulthood) and transitions to new parenthood (Making Modern Mothers) and advocates creating accessible archives documenting everyday lives and thinking about how archives themselves become part of a new everyday.

30 April 2024

Follow-up Interviews on Posttraumatic Growth

Dr. Gerald Jordan is an assistant professor at the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham. He did his PhD in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University and was based at the Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychoses. His doctoral work examined positive change and posttraumatic growth that youth experience following a first episode of psychosis. After obtaining his PhD, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health at Yale University. His research examines how young people transform their lives and communities following a serious mental health challenge; and how such transformations are shaped by personal, social and community-level determinants of health and resilience.

Seminars are organized and moderated by Dr. Hab. Anna Wylegała (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Dr. Natalia Otrishchenko (Center for Urban History)

Seminars are organized and moderated by Dr. Hab. Anna Wylegała (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences) and Dr. Natalia Otrishchenko (Center for Urban History).

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Cover Image: George Ivanchenko / Visual Documentation of War / Urban Media Archive of Cetner for Urban History